Safety First!

CAUTION! Dry ice (Solid Carbon Dioxide) is extremely cold (-109 F)(-78.5 C) * Avoid contact with skin, eyes, mouth and clothing. Dry ice may cause cold burns. * Asphyxiant – liberates heavy gas which may cause suffocation. * Keep out of reach of children. * Do not eat or put into drinks. * Do not seal in glass or other closed containers. *Do not enter areas where used or stored until properly ventilated. * Use heavy gloves when handling. * See all dry ice safety precautions. **Reach us at: 573-445-1915**


FOG Effect

dryice1Fill a metal or plastic container half full with hot water.  Using gloves, add a few pieces of dry ice every 5 to 10 minutes. As water cools, it will be necessary to start over with hot water to maintain the fog effect.  (As a rule of thumb, 1 pound of dry ice will create 8-10 minutes of fog effect. The hotter the water, the more fog but the quicker dissipation of the dry ice.)




Halloween Witches Brew


CAUTION: NEVER put dry ice in a beverage and NEVER let DRY ICE come in contact with punch or skin! If the dry ice comes into contact with the punch, tiny chips may flake off and seriously burn the throats of those drinking the punch. Be careful!   This effect uses two containers: an inner container for the punch or “brew” and and outer container that holds the dry ice. Place the dry ice inside a large plastic or metal bowl or container. Place the smaller bowl that contains the punch or “witch’s brew” inside the larger bowl on top of the dry ice. The creeping fog or “smoke” produced by the dry ice will spill over the “cauldren.” To keep up the fog effect, you’ll need to keep adding dry ice and hot water to the outer bowl, being very careful NOT to let the dry ice touch any beverage or food that would to be consumed.   (As a rule of thumb, 1 pound of dry ice will create 8-10 minutes of fog effect. The hotter the water, the more fog but the quicker dissipation of the dry ice.)


Spooky Jack O’ Lantern

pumpkin_fogChoose a pumpkin large enough to hold a large can inside. Clean out the pumpkin and carve a friendly or a frightening face. Fill the can about half full with hot water and mix in a cup of salt. Place the can inside the pumpkin. Wearing gloves, drop two or three large pieces of dry ice into the can of water. Again, as the water cools, it will be necessary to start over with hot water to maintain the fog effect. As a rule of thumb, 1 pound of dry ice will create 8-10 minutes of fog effect. The hotter the water, the more fog but the quicker dissipation of the dry ice.




Spooky Crawling Bubbles

dryice3For this Halloween party spectacular, you need a sort of tall, clear plastic cylinder-shaped vase, warm water, dry ice, a little liquid dish washing detergent, and some food coloring. CAUTION: dry ice is very cold and will freeze your skin instantly. Never let dry ice touch any part of your body. Use only heavy gloves or tongs to handle dry ice.  Fill the vase with warm water, add a few drops of detergent and food coloring, and carefully drop a piece of dry ice into the water. The dry ice will turn into a gas underwater and make colorful bubbles which will crawl up out of the vase and “pop” with a little cloud of carbon dioxide fog as they climb out of the vase.

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"How much ice do I need?"

What type of Tiger Ice do you need?

Bagged Ice Calculator

Icing Down

Mixing Drinks

How Long?

My event will take place in high heat / humidity

Bagged Ice Calculator

Small Bag = 7 lbs       Large Bag = 20 lbs

Icing Down

Mixing Drinks

How Long?

My event will take place in high heat / humidity

You will need:

Small Bags

Large Bags

Total lbs

Dry Ice Calculator

How much does
your product weigh?

How long does
it need to be
kept frozen?

Dry Ice estimates are based on using an approved shipping container

Dry Ice Calculator

How much does
your product weigh?

How long does
it need to be
kept frozen?

You will need

Dry Ice estimates are based on using an approved shipping container